Chemical Guys P4 Precision Paint Perfection Polish

P4 Precision Paint Perfection Polish is an easy-to-use one step polish for scratch and swirl removal. P4 delivers a brilliant deep reflection, high gloss finish, and perfect paint finish in the fastest way possible. Removes fine swirls, scratches, and towel marks. Incredible results in the shortest time possible.
Suitable for use with DA and rotary polishers and by hand. Corrects 2000 grit and finer sanding marks to produce a mirror-like extreme reflection. Virtually no dusting and no residue. Works great on ceramic coatings and ensures that future coatings bond properly.
How to Use:
Dual Action Polisher
Shake well and apply 4-5 drops to desired pad. Prime pad with Pad Conditioner. Dab product out evenly across 2' x 2' section. Turn on the machine on paint to speed setting 1 to spread product. Increase speed to 5-6 and using moderate pressure, work area in 2-3 passes until the product becomes clear. Follow with light pressure to finish. Remove residue with a clean microfiber towel.
Rotary Polisher
Shake well and apply 4-5 drops to desired pad. Prime pad with Pad Conditioner. Dab product out evenly across 2' x 2' section. Turn on machine away from the paint to a setting in between 1000-1500 RPMs to spread product. Using just the weight of the machine (no pressure) work area in 3-4 passes until the compound becomes clear. For the final pass adjust the speed setting to between 1200-1800 RPMs. Work until optical clarity is achieved. Remove residue with a clean microfiber cloth.
Perfect follow up to C4 Compound.